The EDEN survey is conducted under the aegis of several epidemiology research laboratories at Inserm (Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale) and the University Hospitals of Poitiers and Nancy.

For more detailed information, see the initial study protocol and the 8-year follow-up protocol:

Profile of the cohort:

In concrete terms, 2,002 pregnant women at the end of the first trimester of pregnancy were recruited in two centres (maternity wards of the Nancy and Poitiers university hospitals). Recruitment began in February 2003 and ended in January 2006. Children born between May 2003 and July 2006 were followed regularly for 5 years. For those who agreed to be recontacted, additional follow-ups were also carried out at the child's 8th and 11th birthdays. As the children are now 16 years old, a new follow-up will be offered to them again soon. 

Data collected:

The questionnaires filled in by the parents, as well as by the children from the age of 5 years onwards, record information concerning :

    - for the mother: diet before and during pregnancy, socio-economic situation, lifestyle, medical questionnaire, oral health status, work stress, morale
    - for the father: socio-economic status, lifestyle, medical questionnaire
    - for the child: growth, medical follow-up, environment, activities and games, behaviour, diet.

The visits to the centres allowed measurements of :

   -  weight, height, skin folds, blood pressure of the child at 1, 3 and 5 years,
    - bone density by ultrasound at 1, 3 and 5 years of age,
    - respiratory capacity (child 5 years),
    - assessment of body fat by impedance measurement (mother and child aged 5)
    - assessments of cognitive functions and language in particular (1, 3 and 5 years) were also carried out on these occasions.

Biological samples were collected from the mother, father and child:

    - blood sample and umbilical cord blood
    - placenta
    - meconium, urine
    - hair
    - colostrum for breastfed children
    - saliva

What factors that can influence child development are targeted in EDEN?

Among the many avenues explored by EDEN are
- Assessment of the impact of the mother's nutrition during pregnancy on the child's development and health after birth, in particular growth, cognitive and motor development, the onset of overweight and asthma.
- Exposure to pollutants, toxins and allergens during pregnancy and the first years of life, and the impact of these exposures on the health and development of the child.
- The role of socio-economic and psycho-affective factors and their interactions with biological factors on the health and development of the child.

Find all the scientific results published so far on our dedicated page accessible through the following link: