Judith Van der Waerden - PhD, HDR

Chargée de recherche

Inserm - Paris


Judith van der Waerden obtained her PhD (2011) at Maastricht University, the Netherlands, in the field of public health and health promotion. In 2017 she was appointed as a research associate at the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM). Her research focuses on identifying the role of moderating contextual factors and population-specific causal pathways in the association between parental psychological difficulties and children’s development. She is also interested in the association between physical activity and mental health and the evaluation of interventions that contribute to the prevention of mental health problems in children and their parents. Besides EDEN, she also works with data from the ELFE and CONSTANCES cohorts.

Research axis

- Parental mental health and child development
- Risk factors associated with perinatal stress and psychological problems
- Father's mental health